How to Make Money from Facebook Live Streaming

9 min readNov 5, 2022


How to make money from Facebook Live? Now, you may want to take your streams to next level and start making money on those views, likes, and hearts.

In-Stream Ads is a feature that allows Facebook users to earn money from their live broadcasts.

When a streamer chooses to set an ad break, an audience watching the stream will see an ad of 5–15 seconds in length.

Also Check: How To Change Your Facebook Profile Picture

Therefore, the streamer receives 55% of the revenue, while the rest goes to Facebook. These are three ad types that can be added to your live stream:

How to Make Money from Facebook Live Streaming

To set up In-Stream Ads, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Live in an in-stream ads-eligible country
  • Pass and remain compliant with Partner Monetization Policies
  • Publish from a Business Page with at least 10k followers

Facebook eligibility check will highlight criteria with percentages so that you can see whether there is any specific area to focus on.

For instance, you may need to work on your strategy to boost video views or increase the number of your subscribers.

At the bottom of this article, we provide helpful tips to help reach eligibility for Facebook In-Ads.

If your Page is eligible for Facebook In-Stream Ads, here is how to get started monetizing your streams:

1. Enable In-Stream Ads for Live Streaming

Go to Creator Studio and click Monetization on the left-hand side of the menu to review your Page In-Stream Ads for Live eligibility status.

  • If eligible, click Start Setup
  • Facebook Live Monetization
  • Facebook Live Monetization
  • Review the terms and conditions and then click Agree to Terms
  • Set up your payment account
  • Submit your Page for review

Once your application is reviewed by Facebook (5–7 days), you will be notified by email and in Creator Studio and can start using the In-Stream Ads feature.

2. Once In-Streams Ads are enabled, you can choose whether you want to display ads before or during your broadcast. To manage these settings:

  • Go to Live Producer
  • In-Stream Ads for Live
  • In-Stream Ads for Live

Click on the expand/collapse icon within the widget to access your default in-stream ads settings for your Page.

Toggle on the option to include ads by default under Live Videos Go live.

  • In-stream Ads Settings
  • In-stream Ads Settings
  • Tips to make your Facebook Page Eligible for In-Ads Breaks Faster
  • How to increase your Facebook subscriber base
  • Invite FB Users to Like and Follow Your Page

Whenever you make a publication, make sure to invite engaged users to like your page. To send an invite, hover over the reactions on any of your posts and hit the Invite button next to every user in the list.

  • Invite to Like
  • Invite to Like
  • Launch a Page Likes Campaign

Create a Facebook Ads campaign and choose to Promote Your Page as an Objective. Here is the list of the most affordable countries to target on Facebook:

  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Bangladesh
  • Egypt
  • Thailand
  • South Africa

How to Reach Post Engagement Requirement for In-Stream Ads

According to Facebook requirements, your Page must also meet the ‘views’ criteria: At least 60,000 minutes of the 600,000 total minutes viewed in the last 60 days must include minutes viewed from live videos.

In this guide, we will walk you through the ways you can make money with Facebook Live:

  • Paid Online Events
  • Facebook Stars
  • In-stream Ads
  • Meta Brand Collaborations Manager
  • Subscriptions

Make Money With Paid Online Events

As long as your page meets the Community Standards and you are in a country where this feature is available, you are going to be eligible to use Paid Online Events.

When this feature is turned on, you can charge a fee for creating a Facebook Event page where you can host your live stream.

For example, you can host a private Facebook Event where you charge your customers for a live Yoga class with real-time feedback from the instructor.

Paid Online Events are great for:

  • Hosting live training
  • Creating an online networking event with other influencers
  • Collaborating with other creators for fundraising
  • Engaging with your most loyal followers who want exclusive content
  • And speaking of loyal followers, you can give them a more exciting option to support you as a creator

Reach For The Stars With Facebook Stars

With Facebook Stars, viewers can purchase and send stars along with their comments in a live stream.

When fans buy Stars, their comments get highlighted in the stream comment section where they can outwardly show their support to you and the rest of the community.

Your audience can send as few as 100 stars ($1.40) or as many as $99.99. Facebook pays 1 cent for every star you receive.

How to Make Money from Facebook Live

Jay Mewes Facebook Stars

This is basically the Facebook version of Twitch Bits and YouTube Super Chat.

Facebook Stars is true to its name because this is an invite-only feature and is reserved for Facebook most prominent “stars.”

Stars range from famous bloggers to lifestyle influencers to gaming streamers.

If you believe you are a rising star, you can let Facebook know that you are interested in having this feature.

  • Go to Creator Studio
  • Click on Monetization
  • Choose Tools and then Stars
  • Click on the “I am interested” button

Once you express interest, you have to wait for Facebook to reach out to you and give you access.

While you are waiting for your Facebook Stars to get aligned, you can earn some income with our next monetization option.

How To Earn From In-Stream Ads

In-stream ads are short video or banner ads that are shown before, during, or after your live stream.

In-Stream Ads are excellent for streams that are ad-friendly, like:

  • Sports
  • Music
  • Gaming
  • Lifestyle

That is because these types of live video content usually appeal to all audiences on social media, which is why they are considered ad-friendly.

Once you are eligible, you can keep doing your regular live-streaming schedule without adding any extra effort. You only need to put in-stream ads by default.

There are three types of in-stream ads:

Pre-roll ads: 5 to 15-second video ads played before your stream starts.

Mid-roll ads: 5 to 15-second video ads played during your stream keep going in a small floating window.

Image ads: banner ads that appear at any time during the broadcast under your live stream.

Here is what that looks like:

In-Streams Ads Examples

To be eligible, you need to meet Facebook Video-On-Demand and Live videos requirements:

VOD: You will need to have 10k followers, 600,000 total minutes views in the last 60 days, and at least 5 active videos.

Live Video: You will need to have a total of 60,000 minutes from live videos in the last 60 days. Plus, three out of the five active videos need to be previously live videos.

Money from in-stream ads can act as great additional income from your live streams.

Like most ad revenue models, Facebook pays using the CPM method. It is similar to how you get paid with the ads from your YouTube channel.

Your CPM depends on many factors, including your location, the type of live videos, and when it was published. US-based streamers are estimated to earn between $2 to $5 per CPM.

This means that If your Facebook Live gets around 10,000 views, you will get roughly between $20 to $50. It might seem small, but it can quickly add up, especially if you add brand sponsorships into the mix.

Boost Stream Revenue with Brand Sponsorships

Partnerships with brands are among the most popular ways for content creators to make money online, even before live streaming became a thing.

If your content is considered safe and great for general audiences like food, travel, and education then brand partnerships can be a good way for you to make more money from your live streams!

Facebook released Meta Brands Collab Manager, which is a “free marketplace to help brands and creators learn more about and connect with each other.”

As a creator, you can:

  • Browse and respond to project briefs from brands you support.
  • Submit your portfolio, media kit, and insights from past partnerships.
  • Manage everything in one place, from finding new deals and managing existing partnerships to getting customized insights.

You can agree with a brand partner on how you want to promote their product, including mentioning it in your live streams.

These posts show up in the newsfeed with the label Paid Partnership. Facebook users can click on About this Partnership to learn more about the brand.

Brand Sponsorship Example

To qualify for brand collaborations, you will need at least 1k followers and at least one of the following.

  • 15,000 post engagements
  • 180,000 minutes of video views
  • 30,000 1-minute views for 3-minute videos

If you meet those requirements, you can set your starting price per project or content. Brands and advertisers will see this when they view your portfolio.

For partnerships to be really lucrative you need to have a big audience and always be networking to get those deals.

It is hard work but once you score a big project, the payoff could be huge.

That is why it is best to have a more reliable revenue stream.

Get Recurring Revenue with Facebook Subscriptions

The subscription-based model is the holy grail of making money with Facebook Live because it provides creators with a recurring income. Previously called fan subscriptions, Meta has renamed it to Subscriptions.

Facebook Subscriptions charges your fans a monthly recurring fee to access exclusive content. Qualified creators can have the Subscribe button on their page. They are great for creators who have:

  • A large, active, and engaged following
  • Eager fans who want to have more special access.
  • Exclusive live streams that they can add as value for subscribed followers
  • You can customize what your subscribers get, such as exclusive live streams, special badges, and discounts on your other paid offerings

Facebook Subscriptions

To be eligible for Subscriptions, your Page must have 10k followers or 250+ Return Viewers and one of the following.

  • 50,000 Post Engagements
  • 180,000 Watch Minutes

Once you meet all the requirements, you will be able to set up the monthly subscription fee.

Income from Subscriptions varies greatly and depends on the niche you are in. The most popular niche is gaming, where some streamers are earning more money from Facebook than from Twitch.

Gamers need to qualify for the Level Up program first and have a Gaming Video Creator Page that meets the Level Up criteria.

Once they are eligible, on average, full-time gaming streamers on Facebook can earn $2750- $5500/ month.

While there are plenty of monetization options for content creators with Facebook Live, the requirements are pretty high. Plus, you have to share the revenue with Facebook.

In fact, Facebook promised to let creators keep 100% of the revenue until June 2023.

After that, revenue sharing rules are unclear. Facebook algorithms change almost daily, making your Livestream income even more unreliable.

What are the proven ways to boost views on your live stream?

1. Add a Quiz to Your Live Stream

This one can make your broadcast go viral and boost your view tremendously.

How Does it Work?

On LiveReacting, you can find many pre-made quiz templates, which you can customize in your way.

Once the quiz is live, your audience sees four possible answers and chooses one by commenting with a number.

At the same time, LiveReacting automatically calculates answers and shows winners for each round in real time.

Live Quiz Air Asia

At the end of the game, the platform automatically calculates the scores and provides a final leaderboard, taking into account the correct answers and speed.

The beautiful thing is that when FB user comments on their response, their friends are more likely to view it and engage as well.

How Does a Live Crossword Work?

The game main objective is to investigate a list of words supplied within the grid and find all the hidden ones. Once a user finds and comments with the word that exists within the grid:

  • The word will get highlighted inside of the live stream
  • The user name and profile picture will appear in the list of players
  • Next to the user name, you will see which word the user found

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